Home Economics

Home Economics

In this home economics course, students learn about the many things it takes to run a household and live responsibly! This course covers topics such as cooking, baking, nutrition, fixing odds and ends around the home, sewing, health, hygiene, finance, and interpersonal communications. This allows students to sample the many facets of living on their own, as well as ways to be frugal by learning helpful skills.

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For Grades: 6th-8th or 9th-12th

Time: Thursday 9:00am – 10:30am (6-8), 10:45am – 12:15am (9-12), or 1:00pm-2:30pm (7th-12th) @ PCLC

Duration: 2 Semester Class

Teacher: Kelly Benjamson

Required Materials

$50 Material Fee / Per Semester

Recommended Prerequisites



Unit #1 - Kitchen:
- Safety and Cleanliness
- Measuring and Tools
- Microwave
- Convenience vs. Homemade
Unit #2 - Finance:
- Budgeting
- Stocks
- Financial Planning,
Unit #3 - Around the House:
- Plumbing
- Hanging Items
- Electrical
- Drywall, Painting, Cleaning
Unit #4 - Design and Decor
Unit #5 - Sewing
Unit #6 - Nutrition/Health
Unit #7 - Human Development and Mental Health
Unit #8 - Stovetop and Oven Cooking/Baking

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Home Economics

Home Economics

Regular price $395.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $395.00 USD
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Payment Option

*Student Fee

*There is an annual student fee for all students taking classes at Pacific Coast Learning Center. Some charter schools allow for this fee to be added to the cost of classes rather than being paid out-of-pocket by parents. You may select this option when you register for the class.

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